End-User License Agreement for Dr.Web software products
This License Agreement (hereinafter, “Agreement”) is concluded between you, as an individual or a duly authorized representative acting on behalf of a legal person (hereinafter, “You”), and Doctor Web Ltd., registered and existing under the laws of the Russian Federation, (hereinafter, “Copyright Holder”), the owner of the exclusive rights to Dr.Web software and its modules and components (hereinafter, “Software”). This Agreement is concluded on the following terms and conditions:
The terms and conditions herein apply to the use of the Software accompanying the Agreement on the supported Device owned by You. The Device is understood to be a computer and the operating system (OS) installed on it, both as a physical and a virtual machine. For certain types of Software, the objects for antivirus scanning and protection may be data packets of Internet traffic (including mail traffic) rather than Devices on which the Software is used; use of the Software is licensed according to the number of Users using a specific OS. A supported Device is a Device on which it is possible to use the Software in accordance with that Software’s documentation.
You confirm that You read the Agreement before starting to work with the Software and that You fully accept the terms herein from the moment You start using or downloading the Software. You acknowledge and understand that the Software is intended for use by competent adult individuals and legal persons. Therefore, by downloading or using the Software, You affirm that:
2.1. If You are concluding this Agreement on behalf of a legal person, You are authorized to represent that legal person’s interests and to enter into agreements on their behalf;
2.2. The person interacting with the Software on your behalf is an authorized representative of the legal entity that has acquired a standard (non-exclusive) license to use the Software;
2.3. If You are acting as an individual, You are a capable person who has reached the age of majority as defined by the legislation of Your country of citizenship or You have been granted permission to purchase the Software usage rights and are doing so under the supervision of Your parents or other representatives.
If You disagree with these terms and conditions or any part thereof, You have no right to use the Software and must not download, copy, install, launch, or in any other way use the Software. Using the Software in a manner that violates the terms and conditions herein shall be construed as unauthorized use of the Software and may be punishable by law. You must remove the Software from the Device if You sell the Device, if the device is lawfully removed from Your possession and/or if You stop using the Device, no later than the day of such a sale, removal from possession, and termination of use.
By acquiring a standard (non-exclusive) License to use the Software (hereinafter, ”License”), You confirm that you have read the Software’s description and usage guide and that You know the Software requirements for Your computer and operating system, and that You have also made sure that your Device and operating system meet those Software requirements (this includes having the specific components and updates needed by the Software to operate properly).
If You are using the Software legally and have accepted and are complying with the terms and conditions herein in full, You are granted a License to use the Software as follows:
5.1. If the Software can be installed on Your Device, You are entitled to use the Software for its intended purpose, as outlined in the Software usage guide, by installing it, and launching and loading it into your Device’s memory to use it on one or more operating systems in accordance with the terms of the License purchased by You;
5.2. If the Software cannot be installed on Your Device, You are entitled to use the Software by accessing it over the Internet under Your login and password (hereinafter, “Account”) or via your Account Area (hereinafter, “Account Area”);
5.3. The ability to download and use the Software components/modules by installing, launching and writing the Software to the Device's memory;
5.4. The Copyright Holder may at its own discretion grant You other rights by expressly declaring this in writing or electronically.
The allowed Software usage territory is the entire world unless indicated otherwise when the License was acquired or indicated otherwise in the key file, Your Account Area, Your Account or the authorization email You received from the Copyright Holder or its duly authorized representative.
The period for which You are granted the License; the number of Devices, with an indication of the specific licensed OS the Software can be used on; the availability/non-availability of technical support; and other Software usage terms and conditions may be specified in the key file, Your Account, Your Account Area, or the authorization email You received from the Copyright Holder or its duly authorized representative, or these details can be/may have been expressly indicated otherwise when the license is being/was acquired. You understand and accept any negative consequences that may result from Your failure to provide a correct or valid email address.
Unless otherwise specified at the source from which the License was acquired, the term of the License starts from the moment the license key file for using the Software is created. This key file contains information about the License and Your data, which was provided to Doctor Web at Your request by the person distributing the License to You when they created the serial number for this Software or specified by You when registering the License. The license key file for using Software that is not intended for personal use is created automatically no later than sixty (60) calendar days after the serial number for this Software is created if the License has not already been registered by You or by the person who at Your request distributed the License to You. The validity period for such a License starts on the date that the License is registered automatically.
By accepting this Agreement's terms and conditions, You are also accepting and consenting to the terms of the Copyright Holder's Privacy Policy and the personal data processing terms developed and applied by the Copyright Holder for the relevant distribution territory of the Software. The texts of these terms are displayed to You before You start using the Software (e.g., you can find the Privacy Policy for the Russian Federation here: https://company.drweb.com/policy and terms for processing personal data here: https://company.drweb.com/data_protection). You also agree that the information about You that the Copyright Holder and/or its duly authorized representative may acquire, including information that may be transmitted when You contact the Copyright Holder's technical support service, may be used by the Copyright Holder or its duly authorized representative to send Software-related emails to You at the email address provided by You. You also agree to receive the promotional and service messages that the Copyright Holder and/or its duly authorized representative may send to the email address You specified.
You understand and agree that in the course of its operation, the Software may do the following:
7.1. Interact with your Device, network, files, operating system and installed software in order to detect and neutralize information security threats;
7.2. Collect and send to the Copyright Holder: information about files and software, the operating system, local and other threats detected on your Device/Devices that require further research, and also information about You, Your Device, applications installed on your Device, running processes, Your actions involving the Account, Account Area, and Software, as well as other information that may be necessary to detect and neutralize information security threats;
7.3. Interact with the Copyright Holder's resources in cloud mode with the transmission of telemetry information so that the Device’s operational parameters can be analyzed and You can receive the Software’s verdicts about this Device’s information security threats.
If updates are made available for the Software and the Copyright Holder still supports the Software, You may receive throughout the license period (via the Internet) Software module updates for the Software version installed on your Device. All Software updates are an integral part thereof and are used solely in conjunction with the Software under the terms and conditions herein, unless other conditions are established by the Copyright Holder. If the Copyright Holder provides technical support for the Software, You are entitled, while Your License is valid, to contact the Copyright Holder’s technical support service or a similar support service of the Software distributor that has contracted with the Copyright Holder to provide such services.
The following actions are expressly prohibited (for You and third parties) (whether they can be performed is determined exclusively by written permission – a license – granted by the Copyright Holder or its duly authorized representative):
9.1. Providing the Software or the ability to use it to a third party; this includes transferring standard (non-exclusive) Licenses to use the Software to a third party and distributing the Software or its usage rights in any form or by any means, unless expressly permitted otherwise by the terms and conditions herein;
9.2. Providing a third party with Account data and other information associated with accessing the Account Area;
9.3. Using the Software to render services and distribute software products and/or equipment, including using the results of the Software’s operation in software and other paid services and/or equipment;
9.4. Pre-installing the Software or its modules/components on Devices and other equipment. This prohibition does not apply to cases when You stop using the Software on the Device due to the Device crashing or performing inappropriately or due to the Device’s decommissioning. After removing the Software from such a Device in accordance with clause 3 herein, You have the right to install and use the Software on a new supported Device before the Software License expires.
If the Copyright Holder reasonably suspects that the Account Area and Account are being accessed without proper authorization or that the Software is being used illegally or that You are violating the Agreement's terms, the Copyright Holder is entitled to suspend Your access to Your Account Area and Your Account and render the Software temporarily non-operational until the circumstances are examined thoroughly to confirm or disprove the suspicion (without reimbursing You for any possible damage/losses caused by the suspension). At the same time, if You use the Software on a subscription basis, You are entitled at Your own discretion to grant (and revoke) access to the settings of the subscription-based Software to a third party; You further acknowledge and understand that the supplier of Your subscription-based License also has this kind of access until the access gets revoked by You.
The Copyright Holder and/or its duly authorized representative may also use the contact details You specified to request additional information, including information needed to render technical support services to You.
All actions conducted with the Software, by means of the Software, or related to the Software, Account or Account Area, are considered to be actions committed by You or by the persons who have been authorized to act on Your behalf. The Software is intended to be used on Your Device by You (including Your children, spouse and parents) as the individual to whom the Software was registered under the terms herein. The License to use the Software can only be transferred from You, acting as an individual, to another person (Your children, spouse or parents) if You allow your children, spouse, parents or other representatives to use the Software, and also under other circumstances defined by applicable law.
The provisions stipulated in this clause may not apply if the Copyright Holder has provided you with a hard copy or electronic document that expressly entitles someone else (hereinafter “Other Parties”) to distribute or use the Software. In this case, You are solely responsible for Software-related actions taken by the Other Parties. Any of the Other Parties’ interactions with the Copyright Holder and/or its duly authorized representative are deemed to be interaction with You.
Prior to publishing or in any other way disseminating the contents of any informational materials related to the Software, the Account, the Account Area, the Copyright Holder, or Your experience with the Software, You must obtain written consent from the Copyright Holder and/or its duly authorized representative regardless of the methods and media used to publish the information or make it otherwise available for any purpose. You can only use information resulting from your interaction with the Software commercially if you obtain the Copyright Holder’s prior written consent.
You may not without the Copyright Holder’s written consent modify, decompile, disassemble, or decrypt the Software or perform any other actions with the Software or the Software's object code, including those activities aimed at obtaining information about the Software design features. You are not permitted to modify the Software’s protection mechanism. Knowingly using, distributing, and/or copying the Software with its self-protection mechanism removed or altered is illegal.
The Software, its components, and the accompanying documentation are provided to You “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE”, without any express or implied warranty of any kind. The Software is not meant to be used and may not be used in information systems where the Software’s failure may cause a data loss, disrupt the Device's operation, endanger the health or life of a human being, or cause other losses and damages of any kind. You agree and understand that the Copyright Holder is not and shall not be responsible for any possible losses, damage or other consequences that arise or may arise in, including but not limited to, the following situations:
15.1. When the Software and its components/modules have been used incorrectly;
15.2. If the Device or its operating system are not fully compatible with the Software or You fail to install updates or hardware and operating system components or other software that is essential to the Software’s ability to operate;
15.3. If certain features implemented in the operating system and other software on Your Device by their respective developers prevent antivirus applications and the Software from working properly, and in other cases when it is impossible to ensure the Software’s operation under certain operating systems and with certain Device components due to constraints beyond the Copyright Holder’s control;
15.4. If issues arise while the Software is being updated, installed, maintained, and used (including compatibility issues involving other programs and operating systems or their components, drivers, hardware, etc.);
15.5. If the Software documentation has been misinterpreted;
15.6. If the Software or its performance fails to meet Your expectations;
15.7. If updates for the Software or its components/modules can no longer be made available, delivered, or released;
15.8. If support is discontinued for some versions of the Software or specific operating system versions are no longer supported, or if system requirements have changed;
15.9. If telecom service charges increase;
15.10. If You provide or have previously provided incorrect information (including false contact details), or You violate the terms of this Agreement. None of the aforementioned events and circumstances can be deemed sufficient reason to refund the purchase of a License.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that the Copyright Holder has no way of controlling how You use telecommunication services and traffic, and therefore, the responsibility with regards to using telecommunication services and traffic rests solely with You. The Copyright Holder strongly recommends that you back up your data regularly.
The Russian Federation's legislation is deemed the applicable law with regards to Your relationship with the Copyright Holder under the terms herein. The legislation of the country in which Your business is legally registered and/or primarily operates is taken into consideration. All disputes related to the terms and conditions herein shall be resolved in the relevant courts at the location of the representative authorized by the Copyright Holder to distribute the Software in Your area (this Agreement’s established jurisdiction).
Third-party technologies and designs may be incorporated into the Software in cases where the corresponding rights have been acquired under the laws of the Russian Federation, other relevant legislation and international law.
This Agreement does not grant You any rights to the trademarks, technologies, design features or other intellectual property of the Copyright Holder.
The Copyright Holder reserves the unilateral right to refuse to fulfil the Agreement (including in situations when You violate the terms of the Agreement) and to deny You the ability to use the Software without reimbursing You for any damage/losses caused by a refusal of this kind.
The Copyright Holder can, at its own discretion, make changes to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall be notified when a new version of the Agreement enters into force by a means and within a timeframe acceptable to the Copyright Holder. By continuing to use the Software after a new amendment of the Agreement has entered into force, You accept its terms in full. The latest version of this Agreement is available at: https://license.drweb.com/agreement/.
The Copyright Holder’s contact information for communicating with You under this Agreement is located at: https://company.drweb.com/contacts/.
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